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时间:2016-01-05  浏览量:12276

条件性恐惧 ( Conditioned Fear) 也称场景恐惧实验,是基于巴普洛夫条件反射而建立的一种经典的诱导焦虑反应模型的方法。它测定动物学习、记忆不悦经历(aversive experience)和环境暗示之间关联的能力。常用声音或光暗示作为条件刺激(conditioning stimulus,CS),以厌恶性刺激(如足电击)作为非条件刺激(unconditioning stimulus,US),二者配对出现。在条件性恐惧实验中动物会表现出一种特有的凝滞(freezing)状态,通过观察并记录动物的凝滞时间、凝滞总次数以及活动度等相关参数可以考察其学习记忆能力和焦虑状态。

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Rendeiro C, Masnik A M, Mun J G, et al. Fructose decreases physical activity and increases body fat without affecting hippocampal neurogenesis and learning relative to an isocaloric glucose diet[J], Scientific Reports , 2015, 5: 9589.


Suzuki R, Ferris H A, Chee M J, et al. Reduction of the Cholesterol Sensor SCAP in the Brains of Mice Causes Impaired Synaptic Transmission and Altered Cognitive Function[J]. PLoS Biology, 2013, 11(4): e1001532.


Chao H W, Tsai L Y, Lu Y L, et al. Deletion of CPEB3 Enhances Hippocampus-Dependent Memory via Increasing Expressions of PSD95 and NMDA Receptors[J]. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, 33(43): 17008-17022.


Zou Y, Corniola R, Leu D, et al. Extracellular superoxide dismutase is important for hippocampal neurogenesis and preservation of cognitive functions after irradiation[J]. PNAS, 2012, 109: 21522 - 21527.


Wang I -T J, Allen M, Goffin D, et al. Loss of CDKL5 disrupts kinome profile and event-related potentials leading to autistic-like phenotypes in mice[J]. PNAS, 2012, 109: 21516 – 21521.